Wednesday, July 3, 2024

For Those Who Aren't Afraid to Keep Asking Questions About Social-Political Agendas

 This is a powerful video about the Gender Ideology agenda that's been relentlessly forced onto everyone in a relatively short period of time. And this societal transformation been a global effort.  I sent this to a close friend several months ago - at the time I was blown away by how spot on it was.  He's in the early boomer cohort, and I was curious if his experience as a young person was similar to mine in this regard. In the email that went with it, I commented:

"I think she nailed it. This is a war against reality, against our embodied reality  - our connection with all other biological life. I especially related to what she pointed out about how this just dropped down from above right around 2014. 
When I was a kid, there were no "trans kids" and I went to several elementary schools and junior highs. When I was in college there were no "trans kids". When I was teaching there were no "trans kids". And no gender ideology. What about for you? Wasn't this your experience as well? When you were in college, did you have even one "trans" classmate? When your kids were in school, did they have "trans kid" classmates?
In my last blog article I posed a number of questions, and some of them were answered by this - such as, why is this something no one is allowed to discuss in the media, social or otherwise? And the immediate total buy-in from government, all these orgs, universities? None of them ever put a fraction of this effort into pushing women's rights or civil rights on everyone - but all this, this overhaul of our social constructs, language, and institutions, ostensibly for this tiny fraction of the population?? I don't think so. Clearly there's something else, another agenda here, and I believe she's spot-on."
So, I watched it again and remembered why the questions and answers addressed here are so important. I encourage you to watch this:

 Who is Behind the Trans Agenda? Journalist Jennifer Bilek

 Also, please see THIS one:

How a Handful of Billionaires Created the Transgender "Movement"