The detritus of a deranged world,
errors from
an ancient past
dripping off those wringing cold comfort from
the separation,
the insane rules
unrelenting abuse
the unworthiness
seared into brains from a lifetime
of corrupted culture,
toxic media
ghoulish religions
pathological agendas
This is what your life should look like! This is what relationships look like!
Not transcendence, expansion, reflection
but limits, confinement, entropy
Long-dead voices reverberating between the ears
creating distortion, confusion, pinhole vision
warped thoughts and acidic voices that
will not rest
until you’ve given up any chance for authentic connection
With Self
With Another
With Earth
too frozen to risk finding it, instead
hiding in a fragile shell,
wrapped in filmy delusion
believing it’s your choice
believing it’s “working”
yet in the silence, Listen!
A hum, a whisper,
that which animates all,
ever so softly suggesting you could
break free
but do you want to
do you want to?
It’s not hard
just scary and
there’s no net
and you have to step over the edge